
Help Me Make PART of America Safe Again

With our government shutdown over funding for proper border security, it’s time to take matters into our own hands. And I don’t mean making a go fund me entitled, “We the people will fund the wall,” like these clowns did.  That is a ridiculous notion, and it will never work. Instead I have a much more reasonable plan; read below for details.

“Make PART of America Safe Again”

We can’t keep all of America safe, so get behind the idea of making PART of America safe. In particular I am speaking about keeping my part of America safe. Partial safety will cost a fraction of Trump’s 2,000 mile wall, and will be 100% effective to the part of America it protects.

Help me make part of America safe again by donating to my personal go fund me. Funds will be used to build an enclosure around my home. Full disclosure- Under no circumstances can you come over once the wall is complete, but you will rest assured knowing the caravan of immigrants will not be able to enter PART of America.

My GoFundMe link

Pictured above an example of what my house could look like once it is fully safe, making America, partially safe. 

Why is it important to build an enclosure around PART of America?

  • This part of America, in my opinion, is the most important part there is. After collecting data from residents in this part of America, my opinion is supported, so let’s take it as fact.
  • Yikes! Recreational drugs keep finding their way into this part of America. While this may seem like a fun time to certain residents, it’s definitely not safe. A wall would keep out drugs, as drugs can not climb walls, thus solving our issue forever.
  • If partial security is successful, we can look into funding partial security walls around other parts of America too (your house). Once complete we can safely live in complete isolation.
  • After years of fear based propaganda, now just isn’t the time to admit to ourselves that most immigrants who come across the southern border illegally (most illegal immigrants don’t cross from the southern border) are asylum seekers, or economic migrants. Like I said, the timing isn’t right. However now IS the time to build a small fortress complete with cannons around my home!
Pictured below, an explosion of an idea-
Attach cannons to an average home in America for partial safety

My fellow Americans, there is nothing wrong with making PART of America safe again. I hope you will join me in funding my mail order bride, erm I mean partial security enclosure, so that we can all feel (partially) safe again. 

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